Friday, December 6, 2019

Sound bites interview of Emma Watson for 'Little Women' (2019)

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Anonymous said...

A fan of Emma twitter account has confirmed that Emma will not be present in the Little Women promotion :(

Anonymous said...

I want to think that Emma is busy and for that reason she can't go, but ultimately she is so far from acting that I don't want to think is because she takes the money and she forgets that it is not just money, we must also strive to promote , even if it is tired and boring sometimes.

Anonymous said...

"A fan of Emma twitter account has confirmed that Emma will not be present in the Little Women promotion :("

Do you have a link to that tweet or the account?

Anonymous said...

But busy doing what? I'd understand if she was prepping a new film, but she's not...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't think she's too busy to do promo. Either Sony doesn't want her to do any or, more likely, she just doesn't want to. Which I get, but it's also part of the job. Right now she's enjoying the benefits of her fame by jetting around the world and using it to promote her causes (which by itself I applaud) but doesn't seem willing to put in any work to increase her stature or even keep it at the same level. If she enjoys the slacker life, more power to her, it's just very disappointing from a fan's point of view.

Anonymous said...

She's said that the attention makes her uncomfortable and that she's never ok when on a press tour... I want her to be there but I understand if she's not in the right space to go.