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Can I believe "and now for something new" has to do with an upcoming project rather than a new gin-unrelated post? Will you allow me?
If you have news to share (pictures, infos, scans...), please send an email to eden@emmawatson-updates.com
Is it something related to her music video? its a pretty obscure shot hmmmm
What a time to be an emma fan wow so exciting What ever it will be
Lovely xox
She's having a lot of fun creating mystery!
its a main profile update not just a story so its for her Netx project pretty sure and she moving on from gin posts now id guess
Yeah don't sleep tonight Eden she will reveal her new music video at midnight just as soon as your eyes about to close ;)
Bambi mom profile pic finally gonna be explained?? pls emma lol
Sounds like she’s about to promote something new
Emma is having fun again its awesome she making us think 🤣🤣😂😂🥹🥺🥺what a time
Bambi thing was maybe just because she was at that Aspen event looking at animals or whatever?
has to be a shot from her new video. I could be wrong but i think she said 'And now for something new' on her profile before she started doing prada posts last year maybe or before the gin this year?? i just recall she said that exact statement before on her insta somewhere so yeah probably means its the new project
Whatever it will be, it was about time to change to something new than promoting Renais. Sorry, I just got tired of seeing that bottle (no hate).
Imagine eden stays up to like 3am and emma doenst post more today??? xD
Petition to make Eden go sleepless till Emma posts "something new"
What have I done to you?!?!?! XD
I think Emma is secretly in comments trying to reverse psychology you into NOT staying awake by saying that you should, its a cunning plan so you miss the posts!! hehe
"don't sleep tonight Eden she will reveal her new music video at midnight"
No, it will be 4 o'clock a.m., Eden ;-P
"I think Emma is secretly in comments trying to reverse psychology you into NOT staying awake by saying that you should, its a cunning plan so you miss the posts!! hehe"
Hey I'm not spying.. oops i mean Emma is not spying
Well,she tagged the photographer who did the htsi shoot. Maybe she's working with him again?
I’m just here for the pregnancy rumors
Nice! She has often created mystery in the past, but I hope the clouds are lifted soon, for I am also tired of seeing that bottle, but I do like the animals enjoying the music.
Baby rumours from this is a bigger stretch than usual lmao
She's hinting at the baby name.
Bellis Perennis?
Well it sounds quite close to two lower half things. Imagine the nicknames at school.
daisies symbolize rebirth and new beginnings but are also given to new mothers. There you go.
In the language of flowers, daisies symbolize new beginnings and rebirth, in addition to love, cheerfulness, beauty, purity, innocence, hope, fun, and affection. They’re also commonly given to new mothers as a symbol of childbirth and motherhood. In spirituality, daisies represent faith and eternal life
Can mean many things
daisies symbolize rebirth and new beginnings but are also given to new mothers. There you go.
But she spelt it as daisy's the name name i think it's gonna be the singer's music video
her video is for a male artist as she said we will have heard of 'HIM' in her interview about it not sure a dude will be called daisy but its 2023 could happen i guess xD
Hold out Eden, just 4 more hours until a new post.
Looks like threads is the new Twitter now
Noooo it's not available in France so I can't use it. I want to join the party!
It's a good indication of just how much money these companies make from selling your personal data, they're willing to forgo a continent to keep doing it elsewhere.
omg pregnancy rumours again, it could be her new role is a mother
On Ed Sheerans new album is a song called „wildflowers“ that even mentions daisies…And I think there is no video out yet.
you can just get in by having instagram so its entire userbase should just get on there easily compared to these other twitter clones, twitter is shaking lol
Im following you already Eden but its pending until you fully activate or something?(import your account from instagram or whatever) did France ban threads or something? why are you allowed Instagram then? lol its really just an extension of that site
Threads violates the GDPR because of how much data it collects on its users, so they couldn't launch it in Europe.
i have a burner phone/burner email address for all social media and never upload anything personal to any of them no pics, videos real name date of birth lol just lie on everything so none of these people get any useful data from me (i even do all my shopping offline to this day so they cant advertise to me really either by looking at what i buy previously)
really giving people like Musk or Zuck your real personal info and pics, place of work, purchase history and everything like that is crazy
I was wondering why so many UK people got on if its banned in EU then remember Brexit was a thing and how our government doesn't care who steals our data or bothered about protecting us in anyway lmao
If it is something new something ie new project, then Ed Sheeran Wildflowers is a really good guess!
I see a wildflowers music video on youtube but maybe its fan made?
Wildflowers is a good guess. Because there are daisies flowers mentioned in lyrics. And we guessed this before that she is going to do ed sheeren's music video. So, will see.
I don't see what Rich Stapleton would have to do with it though, it's his photograph.
Ed Sheeran has a song called Photograph. IT'S ALL RELATED!!!
If you have Facebook or instagram meta already has all your data dont know why EU wont ban those either
Maybe it's just for show. Like "See how we care about you?", but they really don't XD Or it's just the beginning and Facebook and Instagram are next.
Nobody uses Facebook except old people. Instagram is probably the top social media app now
I just hope she posts more soon. Her uneven grid is making my ocd go wild
The EU didn't ban Threads, Meta didn't upload Threads to the EU app stores in the first place.
because it didnt meet the standards of the GDPR
“And now for something new” and yet this is the longest she’s gone without posting this summer haha.
XD That was the new thing. She's done posting random stuff.
Emma is aware eden knows she was lurking in comments now Emma is planning a new time to post when eden will least expect it xD
She's a smart one.
EMMA LITERALLY GHOSTED US OMG😭 It's been 2 days since the last time she posted that story on instagram
Eden the 'and now for something new' was that on her Insta or did you add it?
Emma wrote it.
Or did she? Maybe Eden's been updating Emma's Instagram and it's been one big fake out this whole time.
Eden if you buy a bottle of her gin you get a free hat but only till the 21st.just thought I'd say
Its so funny emma is something else she built the suspense and then ghosted 😂😂😂😂😍😍gotta love her ...
Eden secretly is emma confirmed
so Emma just followed Kelly Slater, a surfer on Instagram, Tom Felton follows him too, so what's he all about?
The something new is the break ;-)
emma just got really into surfing last few years seemed like going by her posts
Em just drop the news!!
There is no news. The "something new" just refers to adding something not Renais related to her page.
There is no news.
emma is at a golf resort in florida pics going around insta/twitter
How cool would it be if Eden was actually Emma bts.
Looks like she’s on vacation in Florida according to some fan account
Wake up Eden!
she just posted a photo ✨
Emma just posting for all the days she missed haha
Emma just posted stories!!!!
She posted again
Aah! Eden sleeping through Emma's posts. We are back to normal ladies and gentlemen!
New Insta stories!!!
eden wake up new story!!! emma beat you again lol
Eden, Emma is spamming her Instagram's story rn
looks like maybe last year she bought or rented a place in Miami and went back there again this year?
she posted new story and it shows the inside of her place and cute pic of her dog laying around on the bed so i dont think its a hotel but her personal place?
so lovely xxxx
Eden gonna wake up to 100 comments about being asleep lmao
Emma is getting too sneaky waiting a day without posting then on sunday evening when internet is quiet she posts like 5 stories while Eden went to bed early!
Her surprise attack was too clever xD
Emma posted an IG story with a few pictures, she's in Florida.
Eden must be the most well rested woman in french history by now lol
Eden wake up! We knew she was in Florida from candids and also a good (female) friend of hers posted that they were in Florida, but Emma has actually put it up on IG!! (Most likely she’s now left)
The pattern of Emma's posting has changed indeed.
A strange feeling... do you feel the same (, Eden)?
she was seen at a golf resort
Emma out smarted eden with her new posting time like we thought she would??? she really is reading all this omg ;)
Emma posting skills have evolved but Eden has now slept for an entire 24hrs
and will not miss the new posts this time
im sure lol
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