Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mentions of Emma Watson in the media [Sept 7 - 13, 2015]

[Version française]

  • Emma among Forbes' '10 Power Women Brands':

As if being an accomplished British actor, humanitarian and Brown University grad weren’t enough, Emma Watson became UN Women Goodwill Ambassador in July 2014, whereby she serves as an advocate for the HeForShe campaign in promoting gender equality. Says Watson, “Women’s rights are something so inextricably linked with who I am, so deeply personal and rooted in my life, that I can’t imagine an opportunity more exciting.” (The agency I run, Havas PR, has had the privilege of working on HeForShe, so I know firsthand the passion Watson brings to her work on behalf of women everywhere.)

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  • Professor Susan Knabe mentions Emma:

The international Slut Walk movement, which started in Toronto in 2011, has spawned marches from Europe to Asia to Latin America with the rallying cry that harassers, not a victim’s clothes, are to blame for sexual harassment.

Professor Susan Knabe, who teaches both women’s and media studies at Western University, says the wider society is picking up on the importance of these issues.

“Many more young women are sensitized and aware of these issues in a much broader way,” she said. “Before, people would find their way to (women’s studies); now they’re coming to seek us out.”
She also credits celebrities such as Emma Watson, a popular figure in the convention world thanks to her role in the Harry Potter movies, for her efforts, including her role as a goodwill ambassador for UN Women.

“A lot of young women identify with her, grew up with her, and she’s standing up and taking a very pro-feminist stance on a whole number of issues. And they see that it’s OK to do that, and they see that there’s a kind of destigmatization around this.”

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