Monday, December 27, 2021

Emma Watson BTS of 'Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts' aka a Feltson short movie


[Screencaps] [Fashion] [Version française]

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Anonymous said...

Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: feltson shippers last feast lmao

Anonymous said...

they even use dramione thumbnail for the video this is a joke at this point lol

Anonymous said...

its funny they had to reshoot the hug a few times haha I think I will stop watching the video there though as it just ruins the magic a little seeing how staged and unnatural these moments are like a little too rehearsed just let people be themselves when meeting again? you know? sorry if too grumpy post but just how i feel haha

Anonymous said...

Romione shippers Christmas is ruined lmao

Anonymous said...

why is there marvel music? this feels like leaked footage a fan got leaked somehow? xd

Anonymous said...

Emma is so cute! She seems to have a very good relationship with all the cast members in all the movies that she acts.

Anonymous said...

i like dan called out terrible GoF hair lmao

Anonymous said...

aside from Jessie cave and dobby actress lol

Anonymous said...

This video does bring home how much rupert wasn't there with others awwww Romione needs new content to fight dramione soon but HBO have chosen a side clearly with all this promo...the real victim is harry/GGinny shipper sthey get nothing!!! OMG haha

Anonymous said...

Rupert felt like he was going to cry the most too so cute xoxox

Anonymous said...

GoF hair was a disaster but tbh it felt real as a lot of teen boys try to have long hair and look like metal heads or whatever at that age and just look goofy ahahah

Anonymous said...

Poor Ron even in a reunion he gets the least screen time xD

Anonymous said...

Are you sure there are Harry/Ginny shippers XD Drarry shippers are also disappointed that WB gave them nothing lol

Anon said...

According to Rupert and Daniel, while they were filming Goblet of Fire, long hair was the trend for boys in Britain at the time. It wasn’t a decision made by the directors/producers that most of the boys grow out their hair.

Anonymous said...

There are no movie Hinny shippers they ruined ginny so hard in the films no offense bonnie lol

Anonymous said...

Bellamione is the true victims helena is in the great hall too and no emma moments booo! :P

Anonymous said...

The way HBO is feeding the shippers. I know someone up there ship them and now we are getting the consequences.

Anonymous said...

Again they are a business they know there is cash in fanning the flames of ship wars and getting clickbait articles out there

Anonymous said...

"Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: feltson shippers last feast lmao"
Hopefully. A girl can only dream. Every time i think this is their last feast , they get new content out of thin air.

Anonymous said...

Thought Katie/Cho would be with those three...weird

Anonymous said...

Not that shocking after she came out and said working on hp was an awful experience where she was harassed daily for her role

Anonymous said...

Shippers are having a field day. I kind of want Emma to have a serious boyfriend right now just to annoy the shippers. Remember in 2019 Emma totally ruined their party with fake Jesus. They got so mad lol.

Anonymous said...

WB is purposely pleasing shippers, they will cry watching the reunion xD, TF has a girlfriend for a while, the girl is poor and I know she has been harassed by shippers. I'm sure Emma will have a new guy soon on valentine's day.

Anonymous said...

she is just dating around currently

Anonymous said...

JKR does appear in the Reunion....sort of.

Various participants talk about the books and the effect they have had and then JKR appears in an older interview talking about hard it was to cast the role of Harry.

Anonymous said...

****** fans furious again lol

Anonymous said...

Yes, where is Katie? Poor girl, her character didn't deserve the hate she got. Of course it was JustKiddingJohanne who started it. Fans are gross sometimes

Anonymous said...

I bet JKR won't be embarrassed because she's cheeky XD

Anonymous said...

That poor girlfriend I feel bad for her also IMO Felton ain't helping.
Katie still gets hate. Fans are always gross, they think they can say anything and get away with it also joanne added fuel in it.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Katie not being at the reunion, she is a nice girl and I like her. I think she was disappointed that WB ignored her attitude.

Anonymous said...

I think Jessie Cave also complained because she felt displaced when she returned to the leavesden sets and felt discriminated against because of her weight because I gain weight and she felt that the changing rooms were upset because there were no clothes in her size, well if I were the wardrobe manager I would also be bothered if she did not notify her that her size changed so that she would not be looking for what to wear at the last minute.

Anonymous said...

a few people who played more side characters are definitely missing and were likely not invited as they rightly spoke their truth about how hp set was not always the best place to be it doesn't fit the rose-tinted view a reunion like this is trying to show so of course WB will cover up the bad parts and people who were not happy all the time

Anonymous said...

Katie has often distanced herself from Cho these days sometimes implying she now views the character as a harmful caricature of Chinese people and that the name for the character itself was used in a racist joke way and was actually two last names instead of a real Chinese name. JKR had a lot of pretty poor takes about foreign people in her books when you look at it (we spoke about how Fleur is portrayed the other day for example)

Anonymous said...

well some nasty fans took cho's name and made it into a racist version of the name people call Chinese people.... it was very twisted but I don't think **** meant people to do that.... but then again back in the 90s that kind of vaguely racist name-calling was more common and accepted by some as 'humor'

Anonymous said...

Even Emma says she wanted to leave a few times it wasn't as great all the time as people think

Anonymous said...

was this just the reunion trailer or a video someone cut together. video just says error, not available.

Eden said...

It was an official video of the making of the event. I tried to find another video of it on Youtube but couldn't. I'll look on Dailymotion when I'll have time but it was more than 22 minutes long if you want to search for yourself :)

Anonymous said...

Hey eden, can you give some more hints on the keywords? I was searching dailymotion and still can’t find anything close to that. Just some cut scenes of Tom Felton from behind the scenes that was 19min but that was for all the bts of movies. Or the reunion trailer clips. A ms mojo 10 takeaways from reunion. Nothing else close to 22min about bts YouTube is just full of top moments videos

Eden said...

The video was called "Harry Potter 20th Anniversary Return To Hogwarts Behind The Scenes"