Saturday, December 18, 2021

New photos of Emma Watson for 'Beauty and the Beast' (2017)


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Source: Emma Watson Daily

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Anonymous said...

Emma posted this on Instagram. It's weird, she never posts stuff like this normally. I kinda dread to think what prompted it.
"Tonight's full moon, known as the "cold moon" comes with perfect timing … and this witch is excited ⚡️
It invites us all to reflect rather than manifest, stay present rather than spring to action, and shed unnecessary habits rather than seek new hobbies. Also, it arrives right before the winter solstice which is all about introspection. So for this lunar moment - exhale all the bad sh*t and inhale the new and good that is to come! It's almost a brand new year. By pursuing connection, the light and warmth will show itself in the dark and cold of winter. And who knows! Maybe tonight something magical awaits you."

Anonymous said...

"Emma posted this on Instagram. It's weird, she never posts stuff like this normally. "
Well she might be high IDK. The Seth effect XD

Anonymous said...

she's planning to come out as bisexual in 2022 and show off her new GF!! (this is a joke before people go crazy)