There's literally a hate campaign going on against me from one person because of the Emma/Tom article XD They're bullying me in the comments and are sending messages to other fan accounts to report my blog and seem to want it shut down.
This is nuts and therefore I have disabled comments on that article because this is too stressful but might disable comments altogether later so don't be surprised ;)
Eden don't be shy, spill the beans.
Shippers are truly crazy, worst kind of fans :/
I knew all this stuff would get out of hand pretty soon and media and HBO are not helping with the way they are marketing this stuff.
They can't really do anything to the blog though maybe get google to review it and they will find nothing so xD
No comments until after the reunion might be a wise move to stop trolls?
I bet it's the german bot owner back again lmao
Unless you posted something really offensive no one can shut down anything so silly lol
I was the person who made what I thought was an obvious joke about Emma talking about Tom AGAIN, so apologies if that is what triggered the person.
If I can make a suggestion I'd be inclined to re-instate (if possible) the comments that were in that thread, so that it is clear to everyone that there was nothing untoward in the comments.
Then by all means disable future commentating.
Sorry that you have to go through this and equally a shame that one person has to ruin it for everyone else.
Right now their plan is to convince fan accounts to report my blog to the agency selling the paparazzi photos for not buying them and to Google for apparently asking people for money.
The campaign will die in 10mins when the stan gets bored probably haha
I must say this stuff is truly very tiring around the reunion. It has simply turned into a shipping war from 2005.
all True fans wanted was for the trio to get together and HBO even could not do this and Rupert is somewhere else and edited in. Now they just post about Dramione with all this behind-the-scenes stuff when the majority of the fans don't care about these other antics going on from Tom.
Why is there nothing about the dan and the trio being shared?
Maybe they know the trio is what people want so they don't give much about it so people will have to watch to have anything.
There is one or two very anti tom people around here who keep losing it when this stuff comes up its kind of sad i think they are not very well people oh well they can just keyboard warrior themself all day and get nowhere
I don't think people who took Emma's pics can stop them being shared freely online they were also paid by whoever hired them ages ago so don't care now.
no one can do anything to you or the blog eden x
They released 3 behind the scenes with Dan in it. The problem is the shippers took over the hashtag and now it is all about that on social media.
Shippers are truly unhinged people. They cross the line every time and now HBO is with them.
No comments until after the reunion might be a wise move to stop trolls?
No, do not give into the hater like that! just don't allow any of their comments and let us talk without them and we win :)
I doubt they'll get anywhere, but make a backup just in case. You can always port the site over to Wordpress (.com, not .org unless you want to actually host the site).
Id say leave the comments gone on Tom related posts and the crazy person will likely stop posting and leave us alone now
the most they can do is have ads removed but the blog will be fine otherwise and you can reply for ad sense again in a month! people did this kind of thing to my youtube videos about Emma once but I got ads back a month later after deleting the reported video which was doing nothing wrong and not stolen like the person claimed!
Very jealous people with too much time on hands love reporting other blogs and videos so sad smh
Seth is just mad about all the tom rumours and is having a rage in the comments I wouldn't worry about it xD
we love you Eden and the blog we will dispute false claims easily if they even happen
"Seth is just mad about all the tom rumours and is having a rage in the comments.."
Oh please, as if.
Look at him, sweet adorable Seth;
Clearly a lover not a fighter.
A **** fan or fans have been coming here for about a year now writing informatory comments to start fights very often. 9I think they also made the german bot that posts nonsense over and over) it's a very typical move of **** fans who don't like Emma's accounts about her or fans of her to ruin the community with infighting and flame wars in comments. They are full of hot air though and the trolling will never get anywhere since this is a blog with nothing offensive on it and no one would seriously look at it and think it needs to be removed.
I have seen an account on Twitter the replies to lots Emma accounts saying they should "have some respect and stop posting pap pics"
they also tweet a lot about getting blogs removed by reporting ad sense violations they have a 'HeFoRShe' symbol as the profile pic but I forget their name.
I'm certain it's probably that guy. The way they write and talk looks kinda like they have something not right with them and maybe having learning difficulties?
It's no excuse for being mean and trying to harm people with other opinions though but I'm sure they really won't be able to get anywhere with this plan as others say.
Being in the hp fandom sounds like it's rough tbh, shipping fictional characters is okay I guess but toxic shipping of real people really needs to end.
I just care about Emma's pics and ignore the rest of what goes on mostly but ever since the reunion stuff started people have lost control of themselves and all the post is shipping.
"I have seen an account on Twitter the replies to lots Emma accounts saying they should "have some respect and stop posting pap pics"
they also tweet a lot about getting blogs removed by reporting ad sense violations they have a 'HeFoRShe' symbol as the profile pic but I forget their name.
I'm certain it's probably that guy. The way they write and talk looks kinda like they have something not right with them and maybe having learning difficulties?
It's no excuse for being mean and trying to harm people with other opinions though but I'm sure they really won't be able to get anywhere with this plan as others say."
I think the person mentioned having autism so I guess it's possible. Unless I'm mixing up people.
I have seen accounts like that on Twitter too, currently, there is one guy who keeps asking everyone to help him meet Emma as he is very sick and wants to meet her as his dream. There are honestly a lot of strange disturbed people who think they are in love with Emma and when they see stuff like the Tom Article get really triggered and crazy about 'defending' Emma. It's not very healthy and I try to block all those users.
Also yes no one can do anything to the blog Eden it has been here for years with no issue and will still be here for ages no matter what people try to post.
Is there a chance its that "stalker will" person? this activity smells like him a mile off
I think its someone who saw the recent posts you made on Twitter Eden as some of them blew up and got like 400 likes and this would increase the chance of crazy people finding the blog who normally aren't on here
Well I'm just glad comment moderation is on I remember back when we didn't have it and so much awful trolls got in for hours when Eden was asleep or whatever lol
now they don't get to post anything and the blog is way better :D
There are thousands of likes and rts on shipping posts. Who are these people?
Also In future ignore all shipping content. We are happy with Seth.
i will admit i roll my eyes every time felton brings up emma but i would not try to stop eden posting about it the news is the news eventually there will be something else to post so no one should get hung up on it
"There are thousands of likes and rts on shipping posts. Who are these people?"
older fans who are reliving their 13-year-old lives and getting way into shipping nonsense that should have ended in 2007 when the canon of the books showed who everyone married but they are so stuck in the past and can't let it go is what happened smh
People say Harmony is the worst shippers but it's clearly Dramione by the sounds of what's happening here. meanwhile, Romiones are just crying in a corner with no content but not hurting anyone haha
There's no proof the person threatening me is a dramione/feltson shipper so let's not blame them, please. They just got pissed that I posted about it, so they might be the opposite.
This stuff is why Emma and main trio mostly ignored HP for years and I don't blame them.
I have seen an account on Twitter the replies to lots Emma accounts saying they should "have some respect and stop posting pap pics"
Can bet they likely downloaded all the pics themselves any way lol
They just got pissed that I posted about it, so they might be the opposite.
They seem to just hate the idea of Emma saying she loved someone who isn't them a crazy fanboy for sure. This doesn't even feel like its about 'shipping' and is really about their obsession with Emma
so yes its clearly Seth :P
"so yes its clearly Seth"
It's not, it's not, it's not.
I really started to dislike hp and the whole community around it this last few years and this kind of thing is helping me distance myself even more. I actually hope Emma washes her hands of HP after this reunion and goes back to ignoring it and there will be peace in the fandom again. People can say she is ungrateful or whatever but no point in continuing to being a part of something that became so toxic I will still be her fan anyway and enjoy other stuff she does.
Well i have been reminded why i didn't start my own blog about HP or any actors as the more hardcore fans are way to intense and a little unhinged
I hope the person left you alone now eden :)
They stopped leaving comments for now but I don't know if they're still trying to get Emma's fans accoutns to report the blog. Only Ellen from EmmaVids warned me for now, thank goodness for her.
The reunion was just a chance encounter, Emma was just catching up and talking about their old friendship which she rarely mentioned. After the reunion everything will return to calm, in this blog it is best to focus only on Emma and not the other cast members especially Felton, I know there are some people here hate him lol,you guys try not to mention him to avoid unnecessary wars.
The reunion has brought out the worst in fans its kinda sad really, if it's not ****** fans posting hate about Emma it's shippers getting all crazy about other stuff...sigh
".... as the more hardcore fans are way to intense and a little unhinged"
I think I saw that emmavids account telling off people for posting pap pics a few times so not shocking they went to get help from them but I doubt anyone else even paid attention to this troll and blocked them right away hahah xd
Their comment is in the Barbados article if anyone's curious but they were really nice about it even though they don't like accounts that post pap pics.
Emmavids has been fighting a troll called 'Evanjones(then a random bunch of numbers)' on Twitter today I'm sure its him doing this stuff he is doing all kinds of weird antics
Nah, I think it's a different person.
Forget all the Feltson stuff the real drama is Radbon (got to be a better tag).
Dan's note to Helena at the end of filming in 2011;
"I do love you and I wish I’d just been born ten years earlier so I might’ve been in with a chance."
Shame on him, she a married lady and all.
Why is there nothing about the dan and the trio being shared?
lol i liked that you called him 'the dan' as if there is no other dans hahahaha xD
I think Felton made comments about Helena too and it being weird because she is playing his aunt aahha
Can't blame them though Helena is so so sexy I have huge girl crush on her ahaha
"Radbon (got to be a better tag)"
Shame on him, she a married lady and all. you know Helena is kind of not really that tied down with her marriages in the dan could have been in there... ;)
''Shame on him, she a married lady and all.''
To correct you, Helena never married. I remember Felton also expressed admiration for Helena, maybe she has a special attraction to teenage boys, but she obviously has no interest in them xd
"maybe she has a special attraction to teenage boys, but she obviously has no interest in them xd"
Fortunately you added "but she obviously has no interest in them" because I think "she has a special attraction to teenage boys" means the exact opposite and I got quite worried for a sec XD
Missed opportunity for the lads.
She is apparently now dating a man 21 years younger than she (you go girl).
Did you guys notice that HBO arranged for Radcliffe and Felton to talk to Helena alone? It's their best chance to express their love for Helena lol
Given how long we’ve known about both of them having a crush on and feelings for one another, you’d think they’d get together at some point, but they never did. They’ve both had partners in the past and Tom has a new girlfriend. They’re just really good friends who hang out and keep in touch. That’s all their relationship is. It is honestly heartbreaking that some people comment their own dramione ship whenever Tom or Emma are in a relationship. I feel bad for their partner, but at the same time, I’m assuming their partners know it’s just a stupid fandom thing.
We all know helena belongs to emma
Emmas face when Helena says Dan and Tom thought they had a chance ;)
"Romiones are just crying in a corner with no content but not hurting anyone haha"
Why is Ron & Hermione constantly brought up in terms of supposed "losing"? What losing lmao. A fictional romance that actually materialized and ended up being the long haul in books/movies? What does that have to do with some weird shipping projecting people do with 2 actors of the film adaption that wrapped over a decade ago, whose relationship has no correlation to their film/book counterparts whatsoever considering they simply don't have one in the books/films apart from his character being a bigot/wanting her dead.
Imagine being in your late twenties/thirties gaining some weird sense of vindication for a toxic book ship that's a literal fantasy by still clinging onto 2 actors interactions. :/ It's getting weird here.
Glad that Dan and Rupert are both in long term relationships/married, bc this shit's embarrassing. lol
It's good for her XD I can imagine when Emma is in her 50s looking for a much younger fella than her haha.
To correct you, Helena never married.
didnt she divorce tim burton like 5 years ago?
"Why is Ron & Hermione constantly brought up in terms of supposed "losing"?..."
They were just joking, it happens.
A comment that was posted that I can't publish because there was also a link that redirected me to something weird, but the rest is harmless:
"Mo matter the debates, the preconceived ideas, the fandoms, Emma remains wonderfully beautiful and is an incredible woman!"
oh sorry Eden, the link was just a cute emoji on a host like imgur or imagebam. Nothing serious, sorry ^^
All good :D
didnt she divorce tim burton like 5 years ago?
Nah, they never got married just a long term relationship, I'm hardly imagine their personalities fit for marriage xd
"They were just joking, it happens."
Well you are here to stop that sort of thing.
This is not a place for fun, but rather drama....or should I say Dramione.
no sounds like a divorce happened?
Bellamione feels like it should be way more toxic fans than dramione yet the posters of it seem more fun-loving and can take a joke about this silly ship than dramione people lmao makes no sense
bellamione is very out there and crack ship so people get less defensive I guess as no one has spent years planning in their mind how they should be together un-like Dramione which started way back in late 90s
bellamione was nowhere until the last few movies where helena and emma had scenes and people were like 'they look hot together' lol
Is Emma still in Barbados?
Feltson, Dramione, Bellamione, Romione - wtf??? (only Emma and me ;oP ×little-weird-smile* ;-D)
"hate campaign" - love to Eden <3 <3
i thought she would go back to uk for Christmas but tbf covid is out of control so maybe she stayed away or went to spain where she seems to live mostly these last few years
UK has broken records for the level of cases no way Emma came back here imo
So has everywhere else, to be fair.
Why do people keep saying she lives in Spain? She was living in London until the first half of 2021 when she "moved" to California, then moved back in the summer. She goes on holiday to Ibiza occasionally but that's about it.
She bought a place on Ibiza and lived there for 7 months during the pandemic also was seen dancing there in a fan video in like September this year
Reviews for the reunion are out and they are not good... press are mad ***** was not there
She will most likely be in America 2022. I can't see she acting in the UK
Nah she was in Spain from March 2020 to like November that year(having a few holidays to Italy and Mexico outside of that) Spanish anons spoke about her eating at a vegan cafe outside her new home every morning ages ago too and then this detail it showed up in articles about Emma later that she and Leo had lived there most of the pandemic
Eden posted a gif of Emma and her friends having a party in her new home in Spain a few months ago if I recall
Emma appears to have houses in many countries who knows if she has an actual home she is at more than others...she appears to live a travellers life never in one place more than a a few weeks maybe she like sliving in hotels or something i dunno
reviews are way too harsh so far and just taking ***** side smh just review what is in the reunion not what isn't there ffs :/
Yeah pretty sure Emma has a few homes around the world in UK USA France Spain and Italy 2 in some places also like L.A and one in NYC
I knew the reviews would just be like that. another chance to call the actors traitors or whatever so sick of it really
the press will bully Emma and others till something bad happens then act all sorry about it when it's too late like they do to all-stars whose lives the ruin
7 houses and a few apartments sounds about right
"the press will bully Emma and others till something bad happens then act all sorry about it when it's too late like they do to all-stars whose lives the ruin"
I think social media is what mostly drive celebrity into really dark thoughts when the media in general come after them. The fact no one in the trio interacts with people there, and therefore I'm guessing none of them check what's being said there, probably protects them.
they likely have people on their teams who screen articles and help them avoid seeing the cruelest remarks though I guess they get tempted to read the mean stuff later I know I would find it hard to ignore all these headlines
aside from the dumb "OMG **** is missing!" comments and complaints the other more legit sounding criticism about it being a soulless staged cash grab that lacks magic is worrying :(
JKR is not going to explain why she is not involved in the reunion (I bet she refuses to see them), she is so cunning to deliberately say nothing about the reunion and lead the public opinion, people treat her as a victim sympathize with her and attack the trio as traitors. She must be secretly happy now that she has won another victory over the muggles lol
yeah its pretty clever on her part makes the actors look like they sold out their ideals as soon as some cash was shown to them while she stays silent and people paint her as being erased from the series when she probably didn't want to show up in the first place after what happened xd
The whole situation is just sad the legacy of the franchise is tainted going forward and will now always be about division no matter what side you are on
It is very sad to see that a network like BBC is siding with a bigoted ideology . someone now who doesn't do anything but spread hatred against a community and her followers bully people as it is their main job. The day they announced **** is not going to be there Telegrah Uk wrote a article literary launched a personal attack on Dan and Emma .
The main thing is people who are not into fandom or social media that much , literally do not are about the fact that **** is not going to be there .
I see the Metro reviewer stated there were "...eye-opening revelations...".
Apparently Emma had a crush on Tom...who knew?
I think these reunions are basically made for fans.
If you were not a fan of Friends or HP I can't imagine someone sitting down for two hours watching a bunch of actors telling each other how much they like one another and how they are family.
The critics are going to see the reunion as cloying and sentimental, because really that is what these shows are.
They are not meant to be hard hitting documentaries.
But rather a celebration for the HP aficionados.
All these houses still Emma lives in Eden's basement . You should take rent from her #EdentheLandLady.
I don't need rent, I have her credit card.
I don't pay much heed to blind items but this rowling stuff seems spot on I believe she has a problem with foreign characters in her books and that she would hold such views about including more also all the other bigotry she has shown
I'm pretty sure crazydaysandnights is known to post whatever.
they have some stuff that is true and others that are nonsense like deuxmoi or any of these so pinch of salt is required tbh the JK blind isn't even a blind it's all stuff we can see from her actions
if you are in uk and want to stand up to BBC hate maybe come along to this
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